This week’s homily

By the Rev. Thomas M. Boles Phd., DMin., D.D.

Clement Stone, the insurance mogul, recalls, “Selling news-

papers on Chicago’s tough South side wasn’t easy, especially with

the older kids taking over the busy corners, yelling louder, and

threatening me with clenched fists.

“The memory of those dim days is still with me, for it’s the first time I can recall turning a disadvantage into an advantage; Hoelle’s Restaurant was near the

corner where I tried to work.

“It was a busy and prosperous place that presented a frightening aspect to a child of six. I was nervous, but I walked in hurriedly and made a lucky sale at the first table. Then diners at the second and third tables bought papers. When I started for the

fourth, Mr. Hoelle pushed me out the front door. But I had sold three papers. So when Mr. Hoelle wasn’t looking, I walked back in and called at the fourth table.

“Apparently, the jovial customer liked my gumption; he

paid for the paper and gave me an extra dime before Mr. Hoelle

pushed me out once again. But I had already sold four papers

and got a “bonus” dime besides. I walked into the restaurant

and started selling again. There was a lot of laughter. The

customers were enjoying the show. One whispered loudly,

“Let him be,” as Mr. Hoelle came toward me. About five minutes

later, I had sold all my papers.”

Find out what works for you and stick with it!

By perseverance the snail

reached the Ark

Let us run with perseverance the race

marked out for us.

Hebrews 12:1

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