This week’s homily

Tom and Virginia Boles

By Thomas M. Boles, DMin., d.D. PhD.

James 4:17

Therefore, to one who knows the

right thing to do, and does not do

it, to him it is sin.

Knowing and not doing are equal to not

knowing at all.

An ethics professor at Princeton Seminary

once gave this assignment. He divided a group of 15 volunteers into three groups of five each. He then instructed the first group to immediately go across the campus to Stewart Hall and to arrive there within 15 minutes.

A few minutes later, he instructed the second group to go to Stewart Hall within 45 minutes. After they left, he gave the third group three hours to arrive at Stewart Hall.

Unknown to the volunteers, the professor had arranged for three drama students to meet them along the way, acting as people in need. One of the students covered his hands and moaned in pain near Alexander Hall. One lay face down as if unconscious on the steps of Miller Chapel. The third student feigned an epileptic seizure on the steps of Steward Hall.

No one in the first group stopped to help any of those in need; only two in the second group stopped, and all five in the third group stopped.

“I don’t have time” is a frequent excuse of those who avoid getting involved in meeting needs. A lack of time, however, is really a mask for a lack of care. We each know the right thing to do.

The question is, do we love others enough to do it?

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