Archive for Viewpoints

John Kerry’s big lie spans decades

By Alex Ferguson
On April 23, 2013, the L.A. Times printed an op-ed column by Johah Goldberg titled, “Right Wing’ Doesn’t Equal ‘Terrorist.’” Startling as this title was, it didn’t begin to compare to one of his closing sentences which alleged that, “Secretary of State John Kerry belonged to a group – Vietnam Veterans against the war – that once discussed assassinating American politicians.”
Notice that he said “group,” not “peace group.” Check the videos of those long-ago anti-war demonstrations and you may notice a faction waving Vietcong Communist flags; that would be the VVAW. Far from being for peace, they were a Maoist revolutionary cadre dedicated to bringing the war home to the streets of America.
John Kerry was a founding leader of this murderous band of degenerate traitors. His second in command was Black Panther Al Hubbard, a former Air Force sergeant who claimed to have been a captain and to have been wounded flying a mission over Vietnam. Like many of the so-called witnesses.
In Jane Fonda’s infamous “Winter Soldier” propaganda orgy, Hubbard was a complete fraud. He had never been to Vietnam, and he had never been wounded.
Of course John Kerry was the biggest liar of all. He lied to Congress about his personal knowledge of war crimes, about the supposedly disproportionate casualty rate among African American soldiers, about U.S. troops ignoring the humanity of the Vietnamese people because they were “Orientals,” about the alleged “falsification” of body counts and so forth and so on.
Why not? He had previously lied about his “wounds” and the exploits that supposedly caused them.
And that takes us back to the Kansas City steering committee meetings of Nov. 12-15, 1971, at which the VVAW voted on whether to kill pro-war American politicians, or to kidnap them and use them to extract concessions from the government.
Naturally, John Kerry lied about his participation in these diabolic deliberations, but author Gerald Nicosia located several witnesses who saw him there and unearthed pertinent FBI archives that ended all doubt.
Somewhat sympathetic toward Kerry and his activities, and being a man of integrity, Nicosia notified Kerry’s camp of the impending release of his discoveries. He even supplied a Kerry campaign messenger with copies.
“And then, on March 25, approximately 4,000 of the FBI documents – perhaps hundreds of them on Kerry himself, in folders that I had already bookmarked – were stolen from my home; a burglary that remains unsolved, but about which I have my own suspicions, and which I definitely believe to have been politically motivated.”
Remember back when Sarah Palin accused Barack Obama of “palling around” with terrorists?
Apparently, as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright so eloquently put it, “The chickens have come home to roost.”
Alex Ferguson is a longtime Whittier resident.