A runner dressed as Batman interacts with the crowd before Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk
Runners stand at the starting line of the 5K run.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk
Eli Rodriguez was the overall winner of the 5K run/walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
Runners compete in Whittier's 5K "Fit for Life" Run/Walk.
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